Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

I feel bad that I haven't been keep up with these easy posts each week. Once I got pregnant, the blog was definitely put on the back-burner. I was just so tired. Now I really don't have an excuse and I don't want to let the blog fall away even before #2 is born. I know it will take a huge hit once I have #2....newborn mommy haze doesn't leave much time for blogging I imagine. Anyways, my #1 will be my only one for only a few more months so we are taking in all the Brayden time we can get! I can't ever get enough!

Leaning on me to watch Tangled...with some nice bed head!

Short story about the Elmo picture: I heard Brayden waking up from his nap so I headed into his room. This is how I found Elmo. Brayden decided to share his pacis with Elmo and it could NOT have been any dang cuter! And then it got cuter...Brayden would say "aww sleepy Elmo" and then put the paci in Elmo's mouth! I swear I could have died at that very moment! So adorable. My sweet baby boy.

Linking up with Jenni from the Blog and Three in Three!

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