Monday, March 18, 2013

Family St. Patty's Day!

We had a great St. Patty's Day this year and it was mostly because my husband was actually off work and got to celebrate with us! He has missed out on so many celebrations because of work so we were all very excited that he was able to join in on the festivities this year. 

Brayden got to play with some vintage toys that have been in my aunt's attic for 18 years!

Of course he much prefers to be outside!

Running is his favorite!

Running with Grandpa!

Writing letters with spa water!

The bushes were obviously comical...who knows!?

And a very happy 84th birthday to my grandpa!!

It was seriously the best St. Patty's Day yet and I can't wait to eat my corned beef and cabbage tonight! (My aunt hates it so we didn't eat it yesterday. Clearly I can't go a year without eating it so I am making it for dinner tonight..delish!)

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