Monday, July 22, 2013

Bumpdate: 33 Weeks!

With only 7 weeks left, if I am lucky, I am finally starting to feel a little more ready for Madison to arrive! She is now 4 pounds 7 ounces and 17 inches long! About the size of a pineapple. I just had an ultrasound on Friday and the doc said everything looks great and Madison is growing right on schedule. Just what every mom wants to hear!

-Due Date: September 11

-Weight Gain: +20 pounds total

-Gender: GIRL! Madison Kay

-Nursery: I think I finally have almost everything although nothing is set up or put away. I need a dresser still so I currently don't have a place to put most of her clothes. I will be ordering the dresser at the end of this week, when my 20% coupon is valid, and then I think the room will finally be ready. Probably just in time for her to arrive. It takes 1-2 weeks for it to be delivered to the store and then we need to bring it home and hubby will have to put it together. I do have all the other basics for the room though like sheets, a changing pad and covers, a laundry hamper, diapers, wipes, clothes, blankets and such. It is almost all taken care of. I am relieved! Oh and instead of spending $80+ dollars on a brand new swing, I bought this one from a lady on Craigslist for only $40. It wouldn't have been my first choice as far as colors go, but it will do the job and it will keep Madison more at my level (rather than a portable one that is closer to the ground) which will make putting her in and out much easier.

-Movement: Still tons and tons of movement and I love it, most of the time. Even while my doc was doing the ultrasound, Madison kept moving around and making it hard for her to see all the things she wanted to. Ha! We are going to have our hands full with this little girl!

-Clothing: All maternity. I have been living in my maxi skirts and dresses lately. They are the most comfortable thing for me to wear right now...and they keep me pretty cool.

-Cravings: Again, no new cravings this week. I have been eating pretty horribly though so it's back to healthy foods and tons of fruit.

-Overall Feeling: Had you asked me this yesterday, I may have just burst into tears. I was very emotional yesterday and that probably had to do with the fact that I had woken up at 3:30 in the morning and could NOT go back to sleep. I even came out into the living room, watched a little tv and tried to get back into bed but nothing was helping. Finally, at 6:30 am I just started crying. I was so frustrated and tired. Luckily, my parents are my saviors and offered to have us come over as soon as Brayden woke up so I could get some rest. (Since hubby works at night, he is sleeping during the day and can't help out.) I got to take a short nap and then do a quick trip to Babies R Us to get the rest of the things I needed for Madison. I had a great night of sleep last night and today I am feeling wonderful!!! I have picked up the house, put a whole chicken with a seasoning paste in the crockpot, took Brayden to the park and got his lunch ready all before noon. It was a great morning! Hopefully this continues (the good sleep) so I can get everything set up for Madison.

-Fears: I am back to fearing the pain after giving birth. I am confident that everything during birth will go great like it did last time (fingers crossed) but I remember being in a lot of pain once we got home. It was hard to get up and down off the couch and now I will have a toddler wanting to play on top of having a newborn. I know I have a great support system here and my MIL will be here as well so I just need to actually take it easy this time. I need to remember that my health is just as important as Madison's and Brayden's and that I can count on others to do things for me. And that it's okay that the floors are a little dirty or there are dishes in the sink. I will just need to rest this time and not try to be the supermom I tried to be last time. 

I am also a little afraid of Brayden reacting to Madison. I am going to keep a few of his birthday presents hidden and use those on days where Brayden doesn't really feel involved and it having a rough time. Hopefully that will help him adjust to Madison and the fact that he has to share my time. I fear the day that hubby is working, my MIL has gone home to Alabama, and it is just me and the two kids. Obviously I will make it just fine but I know this will be a learning experience for everyone and I just hope we can all learn quickly.

Whew. Sorry this was so long but I am clearly feeling a lot of emotions and typing this all out really helps me to process. Oh and if you have any tips for dealing with a 2-year old and a newborn, I would totally appreciate them!!

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