Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

This picture speaks volumes!!

My poor baby boy is sick...again! I don't know why he gets sick so often! This is about his 4th cold and he's only 17 months. Maybe that is normal but I feel like it's a lot and I HATE seeing him sick. He is so congested and I have been doing everything to help relieve it. He hates the saline spray but I do it anyways and he is not too bad with the suction so I do that as much as I can. Poor kid can hardly breathe out his nose. We will see how sleeping goes tonight but I hope it's nothing like his nap. He slept a total of 45 minutes today. Yikes!! It was a rough day but we made it through with minimal tears (none from me although I was close tonight) and I am hoping he is much better tomorrow!

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