Monday, December 19, 2011

5 Months (Belated)

Brayden officially hit 5 months on December 11, 2011 so clearly I am a little late to post but oh well!! He has been becoming so much more active and really loves his voice now. In the mornings he will mostly just hang out in his crib talking to himself until I come to get him. He absolutely loves talking in the morning and will just play in his swing, watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, talking and talking!! Brayden has become Chance's wake-up call because he is so loud. And let me tell you, its AWESOME!!! He just cracks me up all the time and I could not have a better son. I am completely enjoying every second being a mother!
As for Brayden's updates, he is now on formula exclusively and he is doing great. He eats 7-8 ounces every 3 hours and on top of that, he eats 3 tablespoons of rice cereal or oatmeal about 3-4 times a day! He is quite the little eater!!! He is also much more active these days and will just roll around on the rug forever! He actually gets his feet all the way under him and then basically stands...except his head is down! I have a feeling he might be pulling himself up onto things sooner than we expected. Brayden is also completely fascinated by his hands! He will stare at them and of course smile and giggle because his hands are so funny! Oh and us humans, we are even funnier!! He will smile and giggle and then turn his head away like he is shy or something!! So funny! Like I said, I am totally loving being a mother to Brayden and I can't wait for Brayden to continue growing and developing.
Happy Anniversary!

Charger's Game!

Our first family Christmas tree!

Brayden slept through my birthday dinner!

Such a sleepy and cuddly boy!

His first pair of boots! :)


Love this happy face!

Cousin Maggie!

Loves her singing voice!

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