Thursday, April 2, 2015

Whelp..I Suck

Apparently this whole blogging with two kids thing is a lot more difficult than I originally thought. Dang those kids keep me busy. Between them, buying a house, trying to get my essential oils business going and schoolwork I have just been swamped. 

BUT!! I am determined to get back to this blog of mine. I really enjoy this creative outlet and I know my family in California and New York love reading it to keep up on the kids.

So here we go. Like I mentioned, we bought a house! It was so fun (and depressing) to house hunt. The emotions were crazy but in the end, we got the perfect house for us. We love the lot and the neighborhood and the yard even came with a play set for the kids. WIN! We still have a few boxes of decorations to unpack (eventually) but for now, this are awesome. We finally got our couch just a few days ago and I can't even tell you how wonderful it feels compared to the dang futon we were sitting on for a month! My buns are happy to have a nice, soft place to sit again. We still need a rug and coffee table but the space is starting to come together.

I will be doing an update on the kids tomorrow full of pictures (and Madison's 18 month stats) but for now here are some pictures from when my parents visited from California! It was there first time to our house and it was so amazing to have them here.

We visited the zoo and the park and just had a great week together! I can't wait for them to come out again and hopefully next time they don't have to sleep on an air mattress!

I'll be back tomorrow with an update on the kids along with some super cute pictures!!

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