Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Toddler Activities: Cloud Dough!

I have been struggling lately to come up with fun, new things for Brayden to do. We ALWAYS go to the park so I wanted to find some new activities that were cheap or free. I searched Pinterest and found so many ideas that I think would really work for us. We headed to Target when Brayden woke up from his nap yesterday to gather some art supplies. We also bought baby oil to combine with flour to make Cloud Dough!! If you have never tried this with your kids, it's a MUST!! Brayden absolutely loved it. I will say that it does make quite a mess but it is well worth it. Here is what you need:
-4 cups of flour
-1/2 cup of baby oil
That's all!
Combine the ingredients and enjoy! We started with it in a bowl and then added a glass baking dish so Brayden could transfer the dough from one place to another. We gave him a spoon and a measuring cup to play with. He really loved when I made him a big ball of dough that he could crush. We played with the dough for about 20-30 minutes and then I put Brayden in the bath while hubby cleaned up the mess. Brayden would have played with it longer but I couldn't sit on the floor anymore since my legs had fallen asleep. Once I got up, Brayden started running around with the dough and I decided the mess was big enough already. We put an end to the dough but we saved it all so we can bring it out another day very soon!
We put everything on a towel in the living room...not that the towel helped much!

Taking the ball I made to crush it!

Like I said, I really recommend this activity and I can't wait to try some of the other activities I found on Pinterest! I will keep you updated with our successes and failures!

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