Monday, January 7, 2013


It's THAT time of year to set goals for self-improvement and I love it! I have a couple of resolutions for this year and I think I have made them very realistic for me. So here we go:

1. Be more active- I want to get back to taking Brayden on walks and bike rides. Or if we can't to that, I need to do some form of working out while Brayden is napping, even if it is just 15 minutes. I am not an unhealthy person but I definitely have room for improvement and I want to set a good example for my son. So I actually have a craft for this that I need to make and then I will show you all!

2. Learn to shoot- after all the crazy shootings at the end of last year, I definitely want to get more comfortable with a gun. I want to be able to protect my family if I needed to. I also want to learn to shoot a bow because I think it's pretty badass!

3. Do more activities with Brayden- my husband actually made this resolution but obviously I am on board! We want to do more things with Brayden and altogether as a family before the hubs has to leave for work. Simple things like going to the park or the nature center. But it could also be something like finger painting! And then on the hubs work weekend, I really want to do things like the Irvine Park Zoo or the aquarium.

There you have it! My resolutions for this year! I really hope I can stick to them and accomplish the goals I have set for myself. I will try to keep you updated and I will be back with my "be active" craft at the end of the week.

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