On another note, Brayden is branching out into other foods now. He absolutely LOVES bananas and he seems to tolerate peas. He gave a pretty interesting face the first time he tried peas and gives that same face every time I give him peas but he still eats them. He has become a pro at actually opening his mouth and allowing the whole spoon to get in his mouth before closing it to eat up the peas/bananas/rice cereal/oatmeal! So basically, not to brag or anything, I have the most amazing son ever. He is such a happy baby even though he has been teething and has a cold! He constantly smiles and his laugh is most definitely the greatest thing I have ever heard! And to put a little smile on your face, here are some recent videos of my little man!!
Here is the video of Brayden trying peas for the first time. Down below is another video of the same feeding of peas...and let's just say he changed his mind about the peas!