Friday, July 1, 2016

Knock, Knock

I have neglected this little blog of mine for far too long now. Pigs might actually be flying overhead.

I am really going to try to get better as this is my only form of documenting the lives of our kiddos (who has time for scrapbooks these days?!) but I can't promise a weekly update. Two kids, school, and a husband that works super crazy hours makes it difficult for me to get on this computer.

However, I am going to try my best.

In case you didn't already know, I am pregnant again!! So our lives are about to get a whole lot crazier but we are so excited. I will save the details for my next post (coming very soon!) but here is the picture I used on social media to spread the exciting news...

The kids were so fun to photograph and they are excited to have a new baby joining our family.

Up next...a blog post to update you on my pregnancy, some awesome maternity, and a post for each of the kids.