Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I Spoke Too Soon...

In my last post (Madison's 3 month update) I mentioned how well Madison has been sleeping at night. Well she must have known I said that because she has completely changed. Last night she was up 3 times starting at 12:30! I am not sure what is causing this change in her sleep pattern but I am not too happy about it. I am hoping that she is just going through a growth spurt and her normal sleep hours will return quickly.

It wouldn't be so bad if Brayden didn't wake up at 5:45 in the freaking morning! The boy is killing me! I used to be able to bring him into my bed and he would fall back asleep for a little bit but that doesn't work anymore. He is ready to go play. The good thing is, I get a lot of one-on-one time with him in the morning since Madison is still sleeping. I am thankful that we get that time together although I am usually very sleepy!

And to make my sleepy mornings even worse, I can't have any caffeine! Madison is sensitive to it so I haven't had any in over a month. I used to have at least a cup of coffee each morning to get me going and I have been cut off. It's so hard to wake up without it but I am finding that drinking a hot, caffeine-free tea helps a little. I mostly just like that it is warm which is wonderful on these chilly mornings.

On a side note, we took away Brayden's pacifiers about a month ago. I am not sure if I already mentioned this but he is doing so great!! He still asks for them from time to time but overall, he doesn't seem to miss them very much. I am so thankful that it was a smooth transition and I am crossing my fingers that potty training goes just as well when the time comes.

The funny thing is, even with the lack of sleep, the tantrums thrown, the crying and no caffeine, I wouldn't have my life any other way. Brayden is constantly making me laugh and I am so blessed that I have two beautiful, healthy children. I cannot ask for anything else! I love being able to spend my days with them and see Madison grow and learn and Brayden be so creative with his imagination. It truly is amazing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Madison: 3 Months!

I know I said this last month but I can't believe she is only 3 months old. It seriously feels like she has been apart of our lives for SO much longer.

Madison is getting a little better with being on her own in the playmat or bouncer. I can usually get about 10 minutes before she starts getting upset (shorter if she is tired). She still really doesn't like the carseat and cries for most of the time she spends in the car. Total stinker!! She is getting a little better with the stroller and I actually got to go on a run a couple weeks ago. Today she only lasted about 5 minutes so I transferred her to the Ergo and we walked instead.

One thing she always likes is bath time! She will gladly sit in her tub and let the warm water roll over her soft skin. She doesn't even cry when I take her out and put lotion on her. Such a good little girl!

She is still proving to be pretty high maintenance though. She doesn't take a bottle or a pacifier so I have to be with her at all times. I gave my parents the wonderful job of trying the bottle with Madison for the first time while hubby and I went out for dinner to celebrate our anniversary. I got a text saying the bottle wasn't going over very well and it was time to end our date and head home. So until she takes a bottle, it will be short dates for us!

Although pretty high maintenance, Madison is doing some pretty cute things! She is totally smiling all the time (except for when she is crying of course) and she most definitely holds up her head and pushes up her upper body during tummy time. And.....SHE ROLLS OVER!! Yep, my little tiny baby girl can already roll over from her stomach to her back. She has been doing this for about 2 weeks and she isn't exactly a fan of her new skill. She doesn't really like being on her back (except for when she is on the play mat) so she bursts into screams and cries when she rolls herself over. She is also talking up a storm, especially after she eats. It's so fun to hear all her little noises! And this just in...she giggles! I caught it on video last dang. cute.

Now I have mentioned the ways she has been more difficult than Brayden was as a baby but there is one crucial way she is much easier!! Sleeping. This little lady sleeps like a champ. She usually goes down for the night around 9:00 and doesn't wake up to eat until 5:00 AM! Then she is right back to sleep until about 8:30 AM. Brayden was definitely waking up at least 2 times during the night at 3 months and I am pretty sure it was more like 3 times.

Another thing she most definitely loves (besides being held) is he brother! She is always watching what he is doing and when she hears his voice, she tries to see where he is. It is amazing to see how attached she is to him. I can't wait to see how their relationship grows!