Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lately: Halloween

This is my final post in the "lately" series to catch you all up on what has been going on around here. 

I really thought our Halloween would be great this year. Brayden picked out his own costume at Target...a cow...and we had been talking about it for a good week. He was excited. 

Or so I thought. 

It came time to put on his costume and he wasn't having any of it. I got his legs in and then the tantrum started. He wanted it off. NOW. He kept saying "I just don't like it!" and I couldn't help but laugh and take pictures.

So we gave up trying to convince his that his costume was awesome. Instead, we baked some cookies.

Obviously, that was a much better decision than wearing his costume.

Surprisingly, he was really excited to pass out candy to all the trick-or-treaters that came to the door. I thought he might be a little afraid of all the costumes but he loved it.

Hubby was working so I am kind of glad that Brayden didn't really want to dress up or go trick-or-treating. I didn't want hubs to miss out on that. Hopefully next year hubby will be off work and Brayden will want to dress up. 

It was a great Halloween this year anyways. It was so fun to see Brayden pass out the candy and he would tell every person that came to the door "Happy Halloween!!" Adorable.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lately: Boys Hunting Trip

Brayden is lucky enough to have TWO men in his life that love to hunt and will no doubt, take him on hundreds of hunting trips during his life. A few weekends ago, Brayden got to experience his first hunting trip with hubby and my dad. They got the truck loaded up around 3:30 in the morning and then got Brayden in the truck around 4 and headed to the flats to hunt quail. I guess Brayden did pretty good sleeping in the truck until about 6. They stopped and got some breakfast and continued on their way. After arriving at the flats around 8, they unloaded the truck and set up camp. Brayden helped collect sticks for the fire, watched as the boys all shot their guns, and ran around camp like a crazy person.

He was obviously not allowed to touch any guns and the boys were all on strict orders to keep all guns away from Brayden for the whole trip. Although they didn't end up getting any birds (because there weren't any birds there), they did enjoy some hiking and a campfire. ! Brayden actually slept really well in the tent with my dad and hubs and then they headed home the next morning.

Brayden had a blast with the boys and he loved being out in the wilderness. I can definitely say that they will be taking many more trips and we actually plan on going camping as a family in the spring. 

Here are the photos the boys took while hunting (they did such a great job capturing the trip!)

Playing in the truck while the boys set up camp.

My two boys...by far my favorite picture!

Collecting fire sticks just like Daddy.

Sitting around the fire.

It was COLD in the morning...all bundled up with his 
DVD player, pacis and "friends" Buzz and Jessie.

So beautiful!

I am so glad that Brayden gets to experience this stuff. I loved going hunting with my dad when I was young. I have such great memories of bird hunting and camping out with my family. I just hope that on day Brayden cherishes these moments as much as I do!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Madison: 2 Months!

Little Miss Madison is growing like a weed! We went to the doctor today for her 2 month wellness check and it went great. She weighs 11 pounds 3 ounces and is 22.5 inches long (between 50th-75th percentile for both). Right on track!

Madison is starting to show so much more personality now. I LOVE it! She smiles all the time and has started making cooing sounds. So dang cute! 

She is still pretty difficult but I have high hopes that it will get better. She still doesn't like the bouncer or the swing or the car seat. She will usually play on her mat for a few minutes but that's about it. Madison just cries in the car seat...unless she is sleeping. Just today Brayden told Madison to stop crying! Haha I guess he finally got sick of it. 

Sleeping...the only time she is quiet in her car seat.

We are exclusively breast feeding and she is doing great. She eats about every 2-3 hours and we haven't tried a bottle yet. I have a feeling she won't take a bottle considering she HATES pacifiers (literally gags and pushes them out with her tongue) but I think we will be trying a bottle soon. I would like to have the option of being away from her for more than 2 hours.

Everything else is going pretty good around here. She sleeps for a good 7 hour stretch at night before waking up to eat. Then she goes right back down after eating for at least 2-3 more hours. It is amazing!! Now only if Brayden would stop waking up at 6:30, I might get to sleep in one day. Madison actually loves her baths...just smiles and coos the whole time. The lotion is a whole other thing...she cries until I have her dressed and warm. Poor thing! 

We can't wait for even more of her personality to start showing! I love when they start having an interest in toys and books...so much fun. I think Brayden will have even more fun with her then too. Although he is pretty obsessed with her now and thinks she is HILARIOUS, I can't wait to see them start to actually play together. So many great things to come!

She loves being held obviously!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lately: Pumpkin Patch

So I have been pretty absent from the blogging world mostly because the charger for my computer died and I haven't been able to use my computer. I bought a charger yesterday so I am hoping to be back to blogging more regularly. I am not making any promises since life with a newborn and a two-year old is crazy but I am going to try.

So here we go with my first of three "lately" posts. While my sister and her fiance were in town in the middle of October, we went to the OC Zoo and then to the pumpkin patch they have there. It was so fun to have my sister in town (as always) but especially for us all to go do something fun with Brayden. We usually just sit around relaxing since she is so busy at work but we were determined to do something active this time. It was great!

This was the best family photo we could get...total fail!

We didn't buy any pumpkins because honestly, there were so many people there and the lines were all crazy-long! Brayden was over it, and ready for a snack, so waiting in a long line just wasn't going to happen. We had a great time and I was so happy that my sister was able to be there (and Mike too!). 

Stay tuned for my next "Lately" post which will include a "hunting" trip with just the boys!