According to BabyCenter, Madison is about 17.72 inches long and 4.73 pounds. I know she is more than the 4.73 pounds because she was 4.7 when I went to my doctor appointment over a week ago. Growing like a weed!!
My mom and I compared this photo to my photo from just 4 days before I had Brayden. If I am going to get to be the same size as I was with Brayden, I have a lot of growing to do still. Take a look at "The Belly" tab at the top of the page to see bump photos from Brayden.
-Due Date: September 11
-Weight Gain: +20 pounds total so far
-Gender: GIRL!
-Nursery: We finally ordered the dresser and it should arrive in hopefully about a week. Then I will finally be able to get the room put together. Right now it looks like a bomb went off with all the clothes and decorations spread out all over the room.
-Movement: She doesn't just kick is full on twists and turns. Lately she has also been sticking her butt way out and it makes my stomach all crooked!
-Clothing: All maternity. I do miss my regular clothes though!
-Cravings: Nothing really but I have been eating BBQ potato chips which is weird for me. That is usually something I can totally live without but every time I am at my parents house, I pull out the bag and have some chips.
-Overall Feeling: Not too bad but sleeping isn't so great so I am usually pretty tired. I am also out of breath pretty quickly so chasing after Brayden is getting difficult. I can only chase after him a few times and then I am pooped out. Poor Brayden! Lol.
-Fears: No new fears this time. I am still fearful about the pain after birth and then juggling a toddler and a newborn. Just a few days ago though I hung out with a friend that has a 9 month old little girl and Brayden did great with her. He was sharing toys and showing her his toys and didn't even care that I was holding her and playing with her. It was such a relief to see him react so well to her.