Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

So I missed a week already...oops! But I am making it up to you with this pretty funny video! Brayden stopped the whole spitting thing a while ago but apparently its back!

Don't mind the second half of the video....its all very boring after he stops spitting!
P.S. He LOVES this swing! I highly recommend it to all parents!

Linking up with Jenni From the Blog for Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

30 Minute Hoo-rah!

So Brayden has been doing this for a while but I just recently told my Dad about it and he thinks is hilarious! Brayden has what we have named the "30 minute hoo-rah." About 30 minutes before he is done and ready for a bottle and bed, he gets SUPER hyper, everything is hysterical and life is amazing! He laughs at absolutely everything and crawls/walks around like a maniac for 30 minutes and then he is crabby until he gets his bottle and he passes out like a rock!
When I told my dad about this, it was a night where Brayden and I were over at my parent's house late enough to where Brayden would fall asleep there. When the 30 minute hoo-rah started, I told my dad about it and then we played and played for exactly 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes, Brayden started to whine and get fussy so we made his bottle, changed his clothes and diaper, fed him and he was out like a light! My dad was amazed at the accuracy!
The "30 minute hoo-rah" has been going on for about a month or two and I love it! It is such a great way to end the day with a hyper, happy baby.

And just so you know, this video was taken at 10:00 PM!! It was a weird night for us because Brayden usually does this around 7:30...needless to say, I was a little tired the next day!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Part 2

So when I wrote my last post, I was thinking that our day would be pretty uneventful from that point on. Well, I was wrong!! There were tons of Brayden antics, baking and cooking and great family time! Once we got home from the memorial service and Brayden woke up from his nap, we went straight outside for some swinging time, flower picking, dirt grabbing and of course...TONS of smiling and laughing! I think the second half of the day may have even trumped the first half! I will let the photos do the talking since they are ADORABLE!!
Flower picking...

Could he get ANY cuter?!?! I think no.

He just melts my heart!

Dirt grabbing!

He fell asleep in his swing with his GiGi pushing him!
Ready to make our cobbler!

End result= delicious!
So yes, my day was FANTASTIC!! It was filled with family, the outdoors and fun! I wish every weekend could be like this...too bad the real world includes work and cleaning! Boo!

Memorial Day!

Last Memorial Day I had the opportunity to go to a Memorial service at a cemetery and it was so great! There was a band and so many veterans as well as families. The speakers were awesome and the weather was perfect! I am so excited that I got to go again today and this time Chance and Brayden were with me. The whole family was together for an important holiday! I think many people forget the real meaning of this holiday because they get caught up in the BBQs and beer but, especially because I was a military wife, it is important to remember what this holiday is all about. I know that one day, Chance will teach Brayden all about the military and what he did for them and how important they are to our country. I want Brayden to appreciate the men and women that protect us and work to keep us free. Today was a great start to showing him how important it is to thank the people that are in the military and those that have given their lives! I hope to continue this tradition every year so we never forget how great our lives are and the people that work so hard to keep it that way!
Our day started a little later than usual because Brayden let us sleep until almost 8 o'clock! Practically a record! Of course he does this on a day where we need to leave the house by 9...needless to say we were rushing! I needed to feed Brayden while Chance took a shower then get myself ready and then get Brayden ready which included a bath! Yikes! Thankfully we were on time to the memorial service and got to participate in the prayer for fallen soldiers and the living that are currently fighting! It was a beautiful service and a great way to remember what this holiday is truly about. After the service, we visited some family graves and then headed home. It has been a low key day but FABULOUS! I don't have many days like this so it was a perfect way to end my long weekend. And of course I got some cute pictures of the little monster!
Beautiful Forest Lawn Cemetery!

Having fun on Daddy's shoulders!

Our two proud!

So happy!!
Passed out before we even got out of the cemetery gates!

Eating lunch before the real nap

Sunday, May 27, 2012

And He's Gone!!

Brayden used to be so easy to watch all day...just put him in a bouncer if you have to use the bathroom or make some lunch and then sit on the floor and play with toys. Well, those days are LONG gone! My little man is on the move! He basically refuses to crawl because he can now walk and is obsessed with it. He can still be a little wobbly at times but he is fast!! All of this means that I am also on the move. I am constantly on my feet chasing after him! Also, I can't go to the bathroom alone anymore. Due to his new separation anxiety, Brayden freaks out when I leave the room unless he is completely engrossed in something else. This means that he follows me everywhere I go...bathroom and all! The video below was actually taken a couple of weeks ago but it still shows you his kick-butt skills at walking!

The video isn't the best quality because my mom sent it to me from her phone. She recorded this at her gym so don't think I have leopard carpet in my house!! :) I can't believe he is already walking all over the place and everyone that sees him can't believe he is walking either! I have heard that boys don't usually walk until a year or later so as of right now, he is ahead of the game! Chance says that he is now one step closer to playing T-ball!! It has been so fun to watch him learn how to walk and it has definitely kept us on our toes. I will try to get an updated video soon...for now you will have to suffer with this cuteness!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bath Time!

Bath time is basically Brayden's favorite time of day! He gets the biggest smile on his face as soon as I start the water. He would probably play in the bath for hours if I let him...seriously, he loves it THAT much! We keep the toys pretty simple in the tub and by that I mean we have about 6 toys that he plays with. Small little puffer fish that squirt water, a turtle, a fireman duck, and a colorful fish. They all squirt water actually...except the duck(he is for the water temperature). He is completely happy with just having these toys which is the best part! His favorite is the turtle because he can fit the turtle's head in his mouth (the things that excite a 10 month old!!). He is constantly going from side to side in the tub and just talks and sings the whole time. This is what has made bath time my favorite time of day as well! I love to see him so happy! Just to give you an idea of what I get to experience each night, I was able to get a video last night!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

I am determined to get back to doing this post every week! It was one of my favorites! So here we go.

I know you already saw this picture but it has become one of my favorite pictures of Brayden! I was so sad to have missed out on his first beach adventure but this picture almost makes up for it! 

Linking up with Jenni From The Blog 

Sick again!

This is what I get for working with kids...sick! I started feeling sick on Wednesday of last week and by Friday, I was so done! My throat was hurting, my head was throbbing and my nose was stuffy one minute and runny the next. Not good people, not good! Of course since I was sick, Brayden got sick too. I noticed that his nose was stuffy on Thursday evening and by Friday morning, he was done too! I made a quick trip to Rite Aid on Friday evening to get him some extra fever reducer and to get me some cold medicine. I started Brayden on saline spray and nose suctioning and I was no longer one of Brayden's favorite people. He absolutely HATES getting his nose suctioned out! He doesn't mind the saline spray so much which is good because that is what will help to break up all the junk in his nasal cavity!

Our whole weekend was filled with saline spray, nose suctioning, naps, midnight wake up calls, a crying baby, a slight fever, lots of snotty tissues and eventually calling out of work. We both felt pretty crappy and I knew that Brayden needed me to take care of him and I needed to get my rest as well. It was a rough weekend but today we both feel much better. Brayden woke up smiling and I have been way less congested so this is a good sign. I am heading back to work tomorrow so Brayden will be home with Chance and I know that they will have a good time without me. It will be a good break from being at home and I will only have 3 days of work and then 2 more days at home.

It was definitely not the fun weekend I was imagining but we made it through anyways. I am so glad that I have a pretty flexible work environment that lets me take the days I need off to get better! It makes it much easier knowing that I am not in trouble for taking a couple of days off work. I am actually excited to go back and see my coworkers and kiddos (lets see how they treat me on my first day back!). I am just glad that we are both feeling better!

On a happy note, I had a great first Mother's Day but more on that later!! For now, I will leave you with the smiling face that I love!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

And He's Walking...

Yep! He is up and walking folks! It is so weird to see such a tiny little boy up on his feet. He has taken 12 steps consecutively as of right now!! Its crazy! Brayden started taking small steps a while back and since then, he has just kept trying! His teeny toes turn all white while he is trying to grip the ground and keep his balance! It's so stinking cute!! We have obviously had to baby proof our house since the walking began because now he goes in the kitchen and tries to open the cabinets and just roams the house like he owns the place...oh wait, he does! Anyways, its been super fun watching him gain balance and I know that pretty soon, the walking will turn into running and then I will really be getting my workouts in!
Of course he isn't a circus animal and won't perform when asked so the video I posted below is the best I could get...but don't worry, I have my camera ready pretty much all the time so I will keep trying to get a better video!

Friday, May 11, 2012

10 Month Stats

This is nuts people!! I absolutely cannot believe that Brayden is 10 months old today. My sister just text me and reminded me that at this time last year I was 7 months pregnant and going on the Ellen Degeneres show. I can't believe how much has changed since then! My life has completely changed for the better (and crazier) and its all because of my little monster...aka Brayden.

So here are some of his likes and the things he has been doing lately:
walking!! (a post about this coming soon)
very determined to figure things out...see video posted below
juice (watered down obviously but he LOVES it)
being outside
bath time! (his absolute favorite time of day!)

And things he does not like:
diaper changes
getting dressed
when I leave the room (separation anxiety is not fun!)
being in his play pen...he likes freedom

I am totally freaking out that Brayden is already 10 months old because that also means there are only 2 months until his first birthday! I am so not ready for him to be 1! He is so much fun and it is so easy to take him places like out to dinner and to the beach because he is such a happy baby. If he has some Cheerios in front of him while we eat dinner, he is totally a happy camper. He loves to go see new things and new places and the swing is still his favorite part about the park. I even bought an outdoor swing to hang from my parents' back porch...I know that thing will get a lot of use during these summer months! I absolutely LOVE being a mother and I can't wait to have more (although we are waiting for now so don't freak out!). Anyways, here are the photos and video that I know you really come to my blog for :)
I love it when he wakes up happy!

Always ready for Cheerios!

This is the determination I was talking about!
He wouldn't even look at the camera!

First time at the beach!

Family date night at George's!!!